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Property management Grand Junction : tenant-landlord disputes


Renters and landlords involved in property management Grand Junction need to know their rights in order to avoid hassles, expenses and disputes. Here is what tenants can do to avoid disagreements with property owners:


  • Pay their rents on time

  • Take care of the property as if it were their own

  • Dispose garbage and hazardous materials in the prescribed format.


Here are the steps that landlords must take to avoid disputes with tenants:


  • Ensure caring for the property-both before and after the tenant has moved in

  • Pay for repairs or make them especially when they are caused by ordinary wear and tear

  • Avoid taking extreme steps like turning off the tenant's electricity or water etc

  • Provide necessary written documents like notice regarding entering the property for repairs etc.

  • Avoid discriminating on the basis of ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender etc of tenants.


Additionally, both, tenants and landlords can resolve disputes peacefully through verbal communication. It is also recommended that dialogs are established through face-to-face meetings instead of over emails and phone calls. If necessary, a professional mediator may be brought in to assist in such matters. Tenants and landlords also need to know the laws surrounding tenancy. When both are better informed in these matters, they can resolve disputes in a mature way.