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A career with property management companies Grand Junction


When you choose a career with property management companies Grand Junction, you would be required to handle all aspects of the upkeep and maintenance of an income-producing rental real estate. It would be your job to help maximize its earning potential.


The chances are : the property owner has several such properties or is too busy with other things. Hence he needs you to look after the smooth running of his real estate. Your goal would be to undertake all the tasks that the owner would otherwise perform : collect rents, handle maintenance requests, maintain the upkeep of the property etc.


As of 2008-2009, there were approximately 300,000 odd property managers in the country. According to a research conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; this number is likely to increase by more than 15 percent over the next few years. This shows that a career as a property manager is a highly lucrative one.


However, you would also be required to handle diverse tasks on a day-to-day basis. As mentioned above, there would be financial tasks and maintenance tasks. Financials would include rents and dues collections and also payments of insurance and maintaining the buildings in the given budget. You would also need to network with landscapers, electricians, plumbers, janitors etc in order to resolve complaints made by tenants in these matters.


That being said; there are many administrative jobs too in the field of property management and you need to choose wisely what you wish to do.